Early morning start for today’s expedition which was the longest and toughest walk of the week.
I should probably start by explaining that last night’s accommodation was very basic. We were warned advised that warm water would only be available between 6 and 8am. Not only was it not warm, there was very little bloody water, the room was freezing and we were forced to sleep on what can only be described as concrete slabs. Substitute sleep for ‘tossed and turned all night’.
The conditions were the same for everyone else in our ‘Cell’ block with the exception of that pair of jammy dodgers, Graham and Stewart. Not only did they have heating but they had ALL the hot water! I still have trouble believing that Graham knocked back the chance of a hot shower although he did have a shave. Stewart, on the other hand, arrived for breakfast showered, shaved and shampooed.
Breakfast surprisingly was quite good, although basic. We then had to make up our own packed lunch. If only our wives could see us now!

After early morning exercise and tai-chi, we are now all experts at cutting the watermelon, we set off up the trail. The trek started by crossing a very precarious suspension bridge. The bridge was 100 metres long and 150 metres high.
Today proved to be an extremely challenging and testing slog and ranged from fully reconstructed wild wall to derelict almost impassable sections which required extreme caution. On one side of the wall we had stunning views over China and the other, equally outstanding views into Outer Mongolia. The camaraderie exhibited between members of The Ayrshire Hospice and St Andrews Hospice was very evident throughout all parts of the challenge but even more in evidence today as everyone had to pull together in order to get to the end of this experience successfully.
We had our packed lunch at Tower 8 and whilst it didn’t look too bad when we made it, rest assured it tasted exceptional after walking for two and half hours in blistering heat.

We encountered a number of Hello people on this stretch, and no we don’t mean the magazine was following us around, West Sound was as far as we have got.... for the moment! The Hello People are a local indigenous race of farmers who have found a niche in the market. They follow trekkers up the pathways offering to carry backpacks or trying to sell local souvenirs or cold coke beer, now there’s something I bet you haven’t tried before.
After 5 hours trekking we finally reached the end and there was a massive feeling of achievement all round and emotions were running very high. All the trekkers have their own personal reasons and sometimes very tragic stories which made finally reaching the end very poignant.
After a well deserved beer and congratulatory hugs and kisses all round we head back to the Radisson hotel via a Chinese Pizzahut. We need to apologise to the Chinese couple on their first date as 64 hungry bignoses spoiled their quiet romantic evening.

An early night for all, except for the bloggers!. We have a long hard shopping day in front of us.